ONS Census 2021 – Data Release Timetable
We are expecting the following data to be released in stages from November 2022 to January 2023.
The Topic Summaries will be as follows:
Date Status Product |
02/11/2022 Confirmed Demography and migration
10/11/2022 Confirmed Veterans 29/11/2022 Confirmed Ethnicity, Religion, National Identity and Passport 08/12/2022 Confirmed Labour market and travel to work 05/01/2023 Confirmed Housing 06/01/2023 Confirmed Sexual orientation and gender identity 10/01/2023 Confirmed Education 19/01/2023 Confirmed Health, disability and unpaid care |
23/01/2023 Confirmed Ethnic group by age and sex, England and Wales: 25/01/2023 Confirmed Sexual orientation: age and sex, England and Wales Confirmed Confirmed Gender identity: age and sex, England and Wales 27/01/2023 Confirmed The changing picture of long-term international migration 30/01/2023 Confirmed Ward data, England and Wales: Census 2021 30/01/2023 Confirmed Religion by age and sex, England and Wales 08/02/2023 Confirmed Disability by age, sex and deprivation: England and Wales 16/02/2023 Provisional Westminster parliamentary constituencies data, England and Wales 16/02/2023 Provisional NHS England and Wales health areas, England and Wales
Source: ONS website 19th January 2023 |