The Esri UK Team has over recent months developed major new versions of the applications that it supplies as part of the managed InstantAtlas observatory websites.


The reports will look very similar to before but they are now linked to “live” data from the underlying National Data Service.  This means that the reports are updated each time they are accessed so it will now take a few seconds for each report to update its widgets.

Map Explorers

The map explorers under each data theme have been overhauled. They now contain all of the indicators belonging to each respective theme.  The geography is now selected from a menu rather than using buttons and the application now automatically detects the data type to display counts and rates.

Custom Area Reporter

The architecture and user interface have been upgraded but the way the application is used has not changed.  There are still tools to select and customise areas but now it is possible to save customised areas for future use. As before, once an area has been customised, data themed reports can be selected to see aggregated data for the custom area.