Improving the health and wellbeing, reducing inequalities and increasing healthy life expectancy of all people in Croydon.

Annual Public Health Report

The Annual Public Health Report is an independent report by the Director of Public Health assessing the health and wellbeing of the local population. The reports can be found on the council webpages here.

Health and Wellbeing Board

Details of the work and membership of the Croydon Health and Wellbeing Board can be found on the council webpages here. The most recent Health and Wellbeing Strategy can be found on the same pages and also on this site here.

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) aims to assess the current and future health and social care needs of the local community, and make recommendations on how to improve health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities for all ages. The JSNA is produced jointly by Croydon Council and other major local partner organisations.  The Croydon JSNA can be found on this site here.


For information and support about COVID-19 from Croydon council see the council webpages here. Data on COVID-19 cases, deaths, test and trace and other monitoring is collated by the government and NHS, the government’s UK Coronavirus dashboard shows details about testing, positive cases and number of deaths within Croydon as well as information relating to healthcare and vaccinations and the government has published a full list of all available statistics and analysis. Further links for information regarding the impact that the coronavirus pandemic has had and our recovery from it can be found on this site here.

Data Sources

  • The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) publish an overall health profile for Croydon, plus several themed profiles for a wide range of topics that can be accessed from the Fingertips platform.
  • The Greater London Authority Data Store is a free and open data-sharing portal  where anyone can access data relating to the capital. It contains information relating to health, communities, housing, community safety, environment, transport, jobs and the economy.
  • The Adult Social Care Hub from NHS Digital aims to provide a single national resource of timely, relevant and useful information for social care services across England.


For more health and social care services and information please visit the Croydon Council website.