1    Somewhere appropriate to live

Current context

There are high number of people placed in Residential Care.

Many of these are outside Croydon.

All residential care is spot purchased.

The Integrated Framework Agreement (IFA) includes lots for Housing Support and Enabling Support and Care

 Future plans and needs

We want to reduce the use of residential care overall

Some people already in residential care can be moved to more independent and supported living options – ideally locally, within Croydon

We want to enable people to be accommodated in community settings where possible – only make placements in residential care if this is the only safe and suitable option

Some people in supported living could be enabled to move into more independent homes with support – ensure provision of floating support

There is a need to secure appropriate accommodation as well as support – there are increasing numbers of people who require fully accessible and/or adapted accommodation

We need more supported living services offering a range of support, including for people with complex needs and challenging behaviours

We are interested in developing new service models which focus on promoting independence and offering flexible, person centred care


2    Access to information, advice and advocacy – support to make choices

Current context

There is currently a wide range of access points for people to access advice and information or to request an assessment of their needs

Advocacy services have recently been re-tendered. The provision will be closely monitored to establish benchmarks around need and quality

Future plans and needs

The range of access points for members of the public and professionals to make referrals are being reviewed and remodelled to meet future needs

The on-line options for accessing advice, information and support are being reviewed to ensure they are appropriately accessible

The range of information available on-line is being reviewed and refreshed, including the development of improved customer information and e-market place functions to enable people to make informed choices and to access services or arrange their own care where appropriate

Advocacy services will develop during the lifetime of the contract to ensure accessible and effective provision


3    Access to support

There is support around employment, education, training and volunteering and leisure to achieve potential and engage with the

Current context

There is a range of day centre provision, some run by the Council and others by the independent sector

Day care services will be reviewed to ensure they are focusing on delivering positive outcomes for service users, and that opportunities are available to engage in community based activities

We want to increase the number of people with learning disabilities engaged in employment, education, training and volunteering

 Future plans and needs

The day care review will identify areas for change and development

We want to increase access to support to enable people to access employment, education, training and volunteering and other community based activities

We are interested in developing new service models which deliver positive, person centred outcomes


4    Preparing for Adulthood

Current context

There are currently high number of young people placed outside Croydon

Many of these placements are in residential settings and too many people move on into other residential care type services rather than in more community based accommodation with support

The services provided are often at very high cost. Alternative options are likely to be more affordable whilst promoting greater independence

Future plans and needs

There will be more young people coming through who need support into adulthood

We want them to have positive and fulfilling lives in community based setting where possible

We will need more appropriate accommodation with flexible, person centred support

We will need more support to enable people to access the full range of community based services available

We will need services that can enable people to learn and attain independent living skills

We want to increase access to support to enable people to access employment, education, training and volunteering and other community based activities

We want to increase access to support to enable people to access employment, education, training and volunteering and other community based activities


5    Being in control of my life and support

Current context

There are comparatively low numbers of people receiving Direct Payments

The range of individual support people can purchase through their Direct payments is not diverse or numerous enough

 Future plans and needs

We want to increase the number of people in full control of their care through Direct Payments

We want to increase the range of services DP users can access – eg Personal Assistants

We want all services to be person centred and to offer flexibility and real choice

We are interested in developing new service models to deliver choice and control to people who use services


6    Supporting Carers

Current context

An updated Carers strategy has recently been produced. This reaffirms our commitment to support carers

Respite service provided by the Council are changing

Future plans and needs

We want to ensure a range of respite services are available to give carers a break

Respite services should be available in a number of different ways which best meet the needs of carers and service users

We are interested in developing new service models to provide respite care