Croydon’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is the statutory responsibility of the Croydon Health and Wellbeing Board. The board is made up of representatives from the Clinical Commissioning Group, the local authority, the health services, other statutory bodies, community and voluntary groups.

The purpose of the JSNA is to assess the current and future health and social care needs of the local community, and make recommendations on how to improve health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities for all ages.

The JSNA is produced jointly by Croydon Council and other major local partner organisations; recommendations contained within them can be used to help determine what actions any or all of the local partners working across Croydon could do to meet health and social care needs and address the wider determinants that impact on health and wellbeing.

For more details on Croydon’s approach to the JSNA can be found here.

Our JSNA is split into five themed sections, please use the buttons above to navigate to each theme.

All data presented here was accurate at the time of publication, there may be more recent data now available.